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The following 32-page PDF manual is a book that was published in 1968 by the renowned Spanish legal textbook publisher Editorial Sopexs. It is a tome on mercantile law, comprising the second volume of the set. The book has been scanned as a pdf and uploaded to this site for free download to anyone interested. A complete online version of this text can be found here: https://archive. org/details/manualdederechomerc01brosgoog . Subject areas covered by the book include "La Extinción de las Sociedades Mercantiles" (English: Extinction of commercial companies), "Las Clases de Solidaridad" (English: The types of solidarity), "El Contrato Individual y Colectivo" (English: Individual and collective contracts) and so on. It also includes copious practice questions, graded according to difficulty, for use in school exams. The book is universally acknowledged to be an invaluable resource for students studying mercantile law in Spain, and is still used by both students and practicing lawyers. In addition to this book, there is a collection of thirty other volumes in the same series by Editorial Sopexs, covering a wide range of subjects. The books have been scanned as pdf files and are here made available online for free download to anyone interested. This work is a Spanish translation of a French text originally published in 1961 under the title "Droit commercial international". The book covers international trade law, intellectual property law and certain areas of modern UNCITRAL arbitration law. It has been scanned as a pdf file and uploaded here for free download. See also: http://www.jurisprudence. com/en/tc-ft/d/301/december2014 . pdf . This is a Spanish translation of a French text originally published in 1994 under the title "Droit international privé, droit des sociétés, droit des obligations". The book covers private international law, company law and general civil law. It has been scanned as a pdf file and uploaded here for free download. This work is a Spanish translation of Compendio de Derecho Agrario, written by Máximo Vázquez R., which was published in 1943 under the title "Derecho agrario y Agrario. Compendio de un nuevo sistema". The book covers all aspects of modern agrarian law, including the Derecho Agrario Procesal Civil (Agrarian procedural civil law). It has been scanned as a pdf file and uploaded here for free download.This is a Spanish translation of "Law and Economics", originally published in 1954 under the title "Derecho mercantil y economía". The book covers economics, human rights and other social issues. It has been scanned as a pdf file and uploaded here for free download to anyone interested. cfa1e77820